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Hatcliffe Community Centre Harare


at St Christopher’s Children with Disability

We are determined to ensure that each child under our watch develops to their full potential. We are determined to ensure that caregivers and their families are empowered in their role as the primary caregivers of the children. Finally, we are determined to advocate and implement within our limited resources, the human rights of children with disability in Hatcliffe, as enshrined in the Constitution 2013.

What We Do

Our Work Together


We work in an environment of limited resources, and this applies no less to training material. Early Intervention involves imparting strategies and knowledge that address problems early on in life and provide tailored solutions, for the best outcomes.

We are fortunate to have access to Sally Allen’s ‘A Simple Guide to Early Intervention’ which is used by our community-based workers or facilitators to help and support caregivers to provide learning skills, improve functionality, promote independence, and enable interaction of their children with others and the environment. We have 30 children under this programme and our facilitators visit 8 children each week.


Our strategic partner in the delivery of rehabilitation services is the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC). We promote equitable access to rehabilitation services, opportunities and improved health outcomes for children with disability in Hatcliffe thus transforming the lives of the children, families and community. Out intervention strategy combines rehabilitation service providers, non-rehabilitation specialists (doctors, community health workers, counsellors, and caregivers) to improve participatory health outcomes and quality of life for the children.


The Education Support Fund advances the right of our children to education. We facilitate education psychological assessments, school placement in collaboration with relevant authorities and pay school fees, learning support assistants, care assistants and other related expenses such as transport, school uniforms and books.


Our strategic partnership with the University of Zimbabwe, Medical School improves and extends the reach of medical care in Hatcliffe. We provide paediatric services which include diagnosis, treatment and referrals for surgery, audiology, child psychiatry, feeding disorders, ophthalmology and nutrition education among others.


The Medical Support Fund provides financial assistance for families who cannot afford the health costs associated with the special needs of their children without outside help. The Medical Support Fund will be used to pay for the treatment of any illness or surgery.


Malnutrition assessments are conducted in partnership with the Malnutrition Unit of Sally Mugabe hospital and Harare City Health Department. Children with disability are most at risk of malnutrition. We provide malnutrition prevention and care through strategies such as social measures to ensure provision of meals, feeding and nutrition education and supplements.


The benefits of nutritional feeding in children with disability include good health, stronger immune system and more energy. We provide a nutritionally balanced meal to the children and caregivers after each therapy session. We also distribute food to families every month. We reinforce lessons learnt from the Malnutrition Assessments such as re-training caregivers to feed their children, the correct seating or positioning to control muscle spasms, in the case of children with cerebral palsy. We also teach the caregiver how the child can feed him/herself, if possible. In addition to effective feeding of the child, this knowledge and training reduces the stress levels of the caregivers. Children with cerebral palsy take prolonged feeding time and we encourage caregivers to spend sufficient time feeding the child.


We help children to increase, maintain or improve functioning, promote well-being and independence through provision of assistive technology devices. Through our local partners we also facilitate provision of prosthetic and orthotic devices. There is a large unmet need for all types of assistive products for children. We are fortunate to have local and international organisations that are supportive of our initiative.


We tap into the existing assets, strengths and interests of our community to organise and expand livelihood opportunities for families to move out of poverty by increasing income and well being, reduucing vulnerability, improving food security and recovered self agency and human dignity.

So far we have identified six different community based livelihood initiatives: 1. Community gardening, 2. Sale of second hand clothes (mabhero), 3. Detergent manufacturing, 4. Peanut butter manufacturing, 5. Chicken rearing, 6. Rabbit rearing.

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